Innovation as the engine driving development and expansion
Innovating not simply to bring about change, but also improvement: innovation in the goods and services we offer our customers and in the internal processes that make us more dynamic, efficient and competitive.
Key areas of innovation
We have set three priority areas for our work on innovation: improving our internal management systems, goods and services for the railway and maritime sectors, and water management and treatment.

Softin, total control in real time from anywhere in the world
This company specialises in developing new applications, its main function being to develop own software.
As part of its support for technological innovation and with a view to having powerful, flexible tools for improving the company’s ability to adapt to changing market requirements, Rover Group set up SOFTIN SISTEMAS, a software development company whose primary goal is to place innovation and development at the service of Group companies.
The aim of such developments is to give the Group exclusivity, cutting-edge technology and maximum performance in its business, so that it has added-value solutions that its competitors lack. The high levels of qualification of its engineers combined with innovative and efficient programming tools ensure the development of its business projects. The thoroughbreds in its management stable are: MasterCost, MasterLic and MasterRec.

MasterCost: making the difference in financial management
This is a modern, powerful platform for comprehensive management which uses state-of-the-art technology to put the company in a leading position. Among its main features are a high degree of reliability, performance and scalability, which permit accurate and extensive business knowledge for enhanced competitiveness and profits. It uses an advanced system for budget management and cost control which allows us to keep costs down and continuously increase our profits.
It is unquestionably the best tool for strategic decisions, since it provides us with advanced systems for corporate reporting, real-time information, dashboards and reports (on management, production and budget control). In sum, it creates a solid basis for strategic decision-making.
As regards enhanced profits, it allows us to increase competitiveness ratios, quantify risks and anticipate potential deviations. All in all, it gives us numerous advantages in the financial area.

MasterRec: management of the Company’s human assets
This is a solution for the management and assessment of the Company’s human resources throughout the employment cycle, designed to add value to the Company since any information entered can be consulted in real time from anywhere in the world.
MasterRec is a flexible tool for managing employees by organisational bodies, work centres, company profiles and works.
Its powerful contract manager enables the entire process for calculating payrolls, advance payments, severance payments and compensation payments to be automated.
Among its features are: employee holiday management; cost control of staff and work items; talent management for assessment of employees in terms of reaching their goals; training management, both internal and external, on the basis of specified training programmes so that the real costs of training can be monitored; and reports for in-depth analysis of employees or departments.

MasterLic: monitoring analyses
This tool allows for optimised control and monitoring of studies carried out, invitations to tenders issued and bids opened. It covers full control of the documentation to be presented, management dates, control of guarantees, management of attached documentation, monitoring other bidders, analysis of opportunities, control of decision status, acceptance circuit, award rates, etc.
MasterLic gives centralised access to all information on a works project from the tendering to the award stage, and can be accessed by the whole organisation from anywhere in the world. In addition, MasterLic allows for optimisation of bids and projects presented by the Group to any tier of government, whether central, local or Autonomous Community. Among its key features is the large number of statistical analyses it can perform: the system can provide strategic information using the statistics obtained at different stages, organised either by bidding companies or institutions, or both.

MasterView: Visualization and monitoring of works
MasterView is an advanced visualization system that allows an aerial view of the different works through high-quality frames taken with a drone, authorized by AESA.
Photographic drone flights are carried out on the works and all this information is stored in an orderly, accessible and easy-to-use way in MasterView. For this reason, this tool is a powerful georeferenced document management base in which the user, through MasterView, can move to a kilometer point or exact georeferenced coordinate of a work, and thus, know its current situation, month by month.
MasterView is used both in works in progress and in the group's different tenders, providing a wide knowledge of the works to be executed, without the need to travel to them.

MasterPlan: Planning and monitoring of works
MasterPlan is a collaborative planning system, which is made up by all the agents that participate in a project: work team, technical office, subcontractors and main suppliers, which seeks participation and commitment in meeting deadlines.
Through collaborative sessions, which use highly visual and large-format media, space-time diagrams are obtained that define the planning of the work in a simple way and serve as a basis for weekly review of what is planned and executed, detecting deviations in time, the causes and agents involved, and grants their correction.
This simplifies the analysis of work execution, detecting ineffective solutions, promoting the study of alternatives and anticipating possible execution problems.

BIM: Comprehensive and collaborative project management
In Rover Group we are committed to BIM and we have it fully integrated as a working methodology, with ongoing projects of different types (railroad, maritime, building, etc.).
Within the continuous evolution of the company, in November 2021 we have achieved the certification of the BIM standard UNE-EN ISO 19650 with AENOR, which certifies the correct application of the BIM methodology in construction projects.
We have a BIM Management System that reflects the standards and work procedures to achieve the BIM objectives required in each project. With this, we achieve a fast and efficient application of the BIM methodology through our own resources, processes and documentation.
The main BIM advantages we achieve are: improved collaboration and communication between all project stakeholders, visualization of the project before construction, optimization of measurements, reduction of errors on site, cost reduction, time reduction, increased productivity and transparency.

Data-driven company: powered by intelligent data analysis.