Living Ports

Rover is a company committed to the sustainability of its actions and aware that innovation is the main lever for the fulfillment of its objectives in this field.
The Living Ports project, which has developed technology to adapt maritime-port infrastructures to climate change, through the demonstration and implementation of sustainable solutions, capable of reducing the carbon footprint and its ability to promote the growth of marine flora and fauna on its surface, is framed in this sense.The new sustainable concept for these infrastructures is based on a concrete matrix with a very reduced carbon footprint, by modifying their formulation and design, which allows them to change from being passive elements with a high environmental impact to active elements in promoting the growth of marine flora and fauna, carrying out a CO2 fixation task.

Living Ports is a consortium project, promoted and led by Rover Maritime, which has been supported by the Valencian Agency for Innovation within the Strategic Projects in Cooperation programme.