The Horizon 2020 ReSHEALience project
The Horizon 2020 ReSHEALience project, coordinated by Politecnico di Milano, meets the world at Innovation House Dubai
Rover Maritime another partners in Reshealience project were invited to participate in the event “THE CONTRIBUTION OF CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY TO THE 2050 DECARBONIZATION GOAL”, on the 4th of November 2021 at Innovation House in Dubai, in the framework of Universal Expo.
In this event, powered by Fondazione Politecnico di Milano Regione Lombardia and Politecnico di Milano, it was presented to stakeholders, face to face and connected online, the vision of Reshealience project on the contribution of the construction industry to the decarbonization goals.
Rover Maritime presentation, performed by Cristina Suesta from R&D department, dealt with the contribution of the company to sustainability in construction and energy sector by means of the design and development of the pilot of a concrete floating platform for offshore wind turbines based on ultra high durability concrete, with improved durability compared to steel platforms and less manufacturing and maintenance costs.
The other pilots developed in Reshealience project were presented too in the same event: water basin in a geothermal energy production plant (Enel Green Power, Italy), concrete floating mussel raft (RDC, Spain) Italy floating pontoon (Banagher Precast Concrete-Ireland) and concrete water tower refurbishment (University of Malta). Besides, the event included presentations showing the perspective of industrial and professional stakeholders such as Buzzi Unicem, Hinfra, RIMOND, RILEM and ACI Middle East (TBC).
Thanks to the supporting organization ACI UAE Chapter ACI Middle East and RILEM Association and to the sponsorship of Penetron and Politecnico DICA who have greatly contributed to the success of the event.