
Rover Maritime participates as co-leader in the European Project ReShealience: Rethinking coastal defense and green energy service infrastructures through enhanced durability high-performance cement based materials. Granted by the European Union for 14 entities from 9 different countries.
When exposure conditions of concrete are extremely aggressive, innovative solutions are required to improve their service life and durability.
ReShealience proposes, by means of the study of new compositions and functionalities, the development of innovative concepts for the construction of new structures, or refurbishment of existing ones, exposed to marine or industrial environment by means of a new design methodology based on durability.

The aim of ReShealience project is to develop new materials with self-healing properties without human intervention in a short period of time. These materials should produce a triple impact
The focus of the project is on marine structures and geothermal power plants infrastructures, whose severe conditions lead to rapid deterioration and shorten service life of concrete, resulting in high costs each year for repairs.
In the framework of the ReShealience project, several pilots are being developed for the validation of Ultra High Durability concrete through a series of monitoring systems that will allow evaluating its durability under real XS (marine exposure to chlorides) or XA exposure conditions (chemical attack).
Since mid-2019 Rover Maritime, in collaboration with ICITECH (UPV), has been manufacturing the scale prototype of a floating concrete platform for offshore wind power applications that meets the ultrahigh durability requirements established in the project.
Rover Maritime pilot was designed taking a floating steel offshore platform as a reference, trying to reproduce a similar structure with UHDC concrete. The pilot doesn´t reproduce the complete platform but a part that includes one of the floaters and a part of the connecting arm between floaters. For stability and accessibility reasons, to locate the pilot in the real exposure conditions at sea, the arm will be anchored to a vertical dock wall, as shown in the figure.

Assembly of prototype elements:
The project is currently under development and, once the pilots are located at their exposure locaton, monitoring of the sensors measurements will be performed out until the final project date scheduled for February 2022.
Further information in project website:
Rover Maritime pilot information:
This project has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon H2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement Nº 760824

IVACE, concedió a Rover Maritime en 2017 una ayuda para la preparación del proyecto ReShealience, dentro de su programa de ayudas a la preparación de propuestas de proyectos de I+D al Programa Europeo H2020.