Keeping our growth working for Public and Private Clients locally and worldwide

Present in UAE since 2014, having completed locally several Infrastructure, Building & Marine projects so far, exceeding 400 M AED total turnover, managing more than 1,500 labours and staff in one single project and currently working in new ones, always ready to work in our 4 main disciplines

Imagen proyecto

Higher College of Technology New Campus
Baniyas, Abu Dhabi

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STS Project, External Road Works
Baniyas, Abu Dhabi, UAE

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Khalifa University Street Improvement
Abu Dhabi, UAE

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Construction of Administration Building and Crisis Management Center in Al Ain International Airport
Al Ain, Abu Dhabi, UAE

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Upgrading Launching Facilities for pleasure boats and personal water craft around Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi, UAE

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Marine Works for Abu Dhabi Maritime Projects
Abu Dhabi, UAE

Imagen proyecto

Construction of additional Dry Berths at Mirfa Port
Abu Dhabi, UAE

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